Using TurnItIn with Canvas Assignments

Adding TurnItIn to a Canvas Assignment is part of the assignment detail set-up in Canvas. You can learn more about how to create an Assignment in Canvas here. To set up an assignment so that the submissions are run through TurnItIn, make sure you’re in the Assignment details editing screen. Adding TurnItIn to an assignment… continue reading

Surveying your students during the COVID-19 crisis response

Surveying your students during the COVID-19 crisis response The COVID-19 crisis response has resulted in upheaval, stress and uniquely complicated circumstances for both faculty and students alike. One simple measure you can implement in your course to address these factors is a brief student survey designed to better assess their current situations. Benefits of such… continue reading

Remote teaching – webinar recordings

The following webinars were recorded in March/April 2020. Using Kaltura to record lectures Online discussions in Sakai Online discussions in Canvas Assignments in Sakai Best Practices for Online Exams Assignments in Canvas Re-imagining student assessments and projects in a time of crisis

Tips for teaching via web conference

Here are some tips to help you get started teaching via a web conference. These are some of the first steps you’ll need to take when first launching the web conference, and best practices to follow thereafter. If you’re not sure how to complete some of the tasks mentioned in this guide, be sure to… continue reading

Canvas users – Hosting an online meeting with Big Blue Button (‘Conferences’)

BigBlueButton (BBB) is a synchronous web conferencing tool that is built in to Canvas. You can easily launch a web conference and invite your class from within your course site. Launching a BigBlueButton web conference from Canvas Using BigBlueButton BigBlueButton runs within your browser and upon launching the conference, your screen should look like the… continue reading

Teaching remotely during campus disruptions

Preparing a remote instruction plan IDT is committed to helping our Rutgers-Camden faculty prepare for any potential disruption to our spring schedule.  Per President Barchi’s email on 3/9, faculty should prepare a remote-instruction plan by Wednesday, 3/18.  For a list of possible remote teaching tools and strategies, please view our Teaching Remotely support page. Web… continue reading