Alternatives to class meeting on campus

Occasionally, you or your students may be unable to make the trip into Camden. Here are some options you might consider:

  1. If campus is officially closed, you may not be permitted to hold a required alternative class. (Is this true? I haven’t yet found an official policy statement on this.)
  2. If you’ll be in the classroom, but want to give your students the ability to watch a class recording later
    1. schedule the in-classroom RUCams system to record your class session
  3. If you’ll be off campus, but want your students to join you live for an online class: use the Canvas Conference tool which uses a system called BigBlueButton (similar to WebEx, Zoom,  GoToMeeting, Skype, etc.)
    1. How do I create a conference in a course?
    2. How do I record a conference?
    3. How do I start a conference?
    4. and for your students: How do I join a conference?
  4. If you want to simply record a lecture, which could be a video of you speaking directly to the camera OR a narrated slideshow: use the KalturaCapture tool licensed by Rutgers and linked from Canvas
    1. How can I launch Kaltura from within my LMS? (Sakai or Canvas)
    2. audio only…
    3. to record yourself talking to camera: How can I record a video with my webcam using Kaltura?
    4. to record your slides with narration: How can I record a presentation/record my screen using Kaltura?
    5. How do I embed Kaltura media on a Canvas page?