Find informational and how-to documents and videos below. Click on the topic you would like to know more about to expand its content. You can also view our current workshop offerings. If you are interested in a topic you do not see listed here, don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance or to schedule an appointment.

Teaching online
Curious about teaching online at Rutgers–Camden? Learn how to design and assess online discussions, facilitate online course interactions, or deliver lectures in an online course.
Learn how to master your Learning Management Software. Canvas offers a plethora of tools to professors and faculty to organize your courses, engage with your students, and create assignments.

External tools (with Canvas)
Tools such as Hypothesis, VoiceThread, Kaltura, and PlayPosit that can help you enhance student engagement beyond the classroom are available for use by Rutgers instructors.

Classroom AirPlay
Did you know? AppleTVs are available in every classroom at Rutgers–Camden: learn how to connect your Apple device here.

Web conferencing
Rutgers University offers multiple tools for meeting with your students live on camera, including Zoom (recommended with Canvas), WebEx, BigBlueButton (aka Conferences), and more.

Check out our upcoming workshops on topics such as beginner and intermediate Canvas, teaching online, VoiceThread, Kaltura, PlayPosit, and more.
As of June 1, 2021, Sakai LMS is no longer in use at Rutgers. You may wish to retrieve documents from a previous semester; see: Sakai: download all Resources.
Support Contacts
- for Camden instructors only: Instructional Design & Technology at 856-225-6090 or
- Camden IT Help Desk at 856-225-6274 or
- Canvas Help Desk at 877-361-1134 or