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Sakai: download all Resources

Posted at 4:54 p.m. Nov. 19, 2020, by in Sakai

last updated Aug 25, 2021 @ 8:49 am

As we migrate all content off of the Rutgers Sakai servers, you may wish to save a copy of all files in Resources. Most administrative sites will be moved onto a file storage and sharing system, such as Box. Please contact OIT for support in setting up and configuring your Box folders.

To save a .zip archive (a compressed, single file containing a number of other files) of Sakai Resources:

  1. Log into Sakai with your NetID and click into your site
  2. Click on Resources from the left-hand menu
  3. Click the Actions menu to the right of the top-level folder (generally titled ‘<Site Name> Resources’)
  4. Choose ‘Compress to Zip Archive’
  5. Wait until Zip file appears in Resources list (it looks like a long, nonsensical string of numbers and letters)
  6. Right-click on Zip file and choose “Save Link As”
  7. Give it a clear name (eg, ‘Action Committee 2016’) and choose the location to save the Zip file
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