Canvas: add people to a Canvas site

Course sites are accessible to a certain group of people, in most cases. For a course site, one professor is given a “teacher” role and the students on the official class roster are given “student” roles. A couple of notes: Add a person to a Canvas site Please note that if the Canvas site ‘End… continue reading

Canvas: alternative to class mailing list

Important: You probably don’t need a mailing list! Most of our instructors will use the Announcements tool in Canvas to send messages to the entire class. This is a good solution most of the time: you can post a formatted message, including links and images, and a single attachment, to your Canvas site. Students will… continue reading

Canvas: update your notification settings

Most of our faculty members appreciate receiving confirmation that their announcements have been posted, but that is not the default setting in Canvas. If you would like to receive an email notification when you post your announcements, follow the instructions below. Update your notification settings

Canvas: download, mark, and re-upload student submissions from Assignments

IMPORTANT: Most instructors will NOT need these instructions. Usually, it is much easier to do all your grading: annotations, grades, comments (text, audio, or video), rubrics, and attachments with the SpeedGrader tool in Canvas. The process below is for instructors who have a particular reason for grading assignments outside of the online Canvas grading system…. continue reading