End of semester reminders and tips

As we head into the last days of the semester, we invite you to consider the following suggestions to ensure your grades are being calculated accurately in your Canvas gradebooks and that all loose ends have been addressed before submitting final grades. Missing assignments Verify weighted gradebook assignment groups Verify course grade scheme Submit final… continue reading

How do I submit final grades via Canvas using Gradesync?

Submit final grades via Canvas using Gradesync First, verify that your course grading scheme is correct. Once you have confirmed that the grading scheme is accurate, now you are ready to submit final grades. Need to update or change your grading scheme? Please see more information here.

Canvas: customize grading scheme

The ‘grading scheme’ in Canvas is used to translate numeric grades into letter grades. The default scheme is not good for most Rutgers–Camden courses: it includes minus grades, for instance. Unfortunately, we haven’t yet been able to change this default. Instructors can set up a grading scheme for each Canvas site:

Webex: “Token has expired” error

If you are using Webex from your Canvas course, you may see an error on attempting to create a new meeting: Your Webex token has expired. Please use the log out button in the upper right of your Virtual Meetings window to log out of Webex and sign back in. To fix this: