Surveying your students during the COVID-19 crisis response

Surveying your students during the COVID-19 crisis response The COVID-19 crisis response has resulted in upheaval, stress and uniquely complicated circumstances for both faculty and students alike. One simple measure you can implement in your course to address these factors is a brief student survey designed to better assess their current situations. Benefits of such… continue reading

Remote teaching – webinar recordings

The following webinars were recorded in March/April 2020. Using Kaltura to record lectures Online discussions in Sakai Online discussions in Canvas Assignments in Sakai Best Practices for Online Exams Assignments in Canvas Re-imagining student assessments and projects in a time of crisis

Canvas: using Speedgrader to grade assignments and provide feedback

If your students are submitting assignments online using Canvas, you can grade them and provide feedback right within Canvas using a tool called Speedgrader–no need to download files! To access Speedgrader Using Speedgrader The image below is an example of what you see when you pull up Speedgrader to grade student submissions. Reference the image… continue reading

Canvas: I can’t share my screen while using Conferences

If you are unable to use the Java screenshare option within Conferences, please try the following: If you are receiving an error that states the .jnlp file cannot be opened, follow these steps (for Windows users): Once you save this file as the default ‘Open with’ setting, you can restart the screenshare in your Conferences… continue reading

Create Kaltura video from within Canvas (new recorder)

Kaltura allows faculty, students, and staff at Rutgers to create or upload videos to a streaming server, which makes sharing them easy for everyone. You could think of our Kaltura server as Rutgers’ own YouTube-like service. Before you record a lecture for your course, review our tips about video lecture types and optimal video length…. continue reading

Canvas: can students alter their own grades?

Canvas includes a feature for students to test “What-If” scenarios on their course grades. They can test different scores for upcoming or previously submitted assignments to calculate what kinds of scores they’d need to earn for the semester grade they want to reach. Some students have erroneously believed they were changing their actual course grades,… continue reading