How do students use recorded lectures?

1) to understand difficult concepts; 2) to deal with time conflicts; and 3) to focus when they’re best able… Rutgers University–Camden faculty can choose to record any or all of their classes with a quick online sign-up. Just login with your NetID and follow the prompts at RUCams classroom recording. Presented at Open Apereo 2015 in… continue reading

Adding engagement to your online course

Engaging with students can pose a challenge in an online course, but it is perhaps the most important factor in ensuring student success. Our students report high levels of satisfaction in courses in which they feel “heard” by the professor and a part of a community with their fellow students. For undergraduates especially, feelings of isolation can lead… continue reading

Engaging students one-on-one online at Rutgers-Camden

Our own Christie DeCarolis, instructional designer at Rutgers University–Camden, along with Spanish PTL Dana Pilla, presented at the Virtual Sakai Conference 11/7/14. Watch a recording of their engaging presentation on YouTube to learn how Dana and Christie designed a robust online course together. They organized a brilliant, robust class structure where students interacted with each… continue reading

Finding online video for teaching

Rutgers Libraries offer a great resource called Online Video at Rutgers which will give you the lowdown on how to add streaming video resources to your course site. The page gives a set of resources for finding free online video, but also directions on how to request feature films through Swank Digital Campus. Feature films… continue reading

Student polling applications

  Student polling applications allow all students to participate in class, anonymously or for credit. In the past, professors may have required students to purchase clickers, but newer systems allow students to participate with their personal devices in the classroom. Why utilize student polling? Polling can add student interaction to lecture-based courses or large classes… continue reading