End of semester reminders and tips

As we head into the last days of the semester, we invite you to consider the following suggestions to ensure your grades are being calculated accurately in your Canvas gradebooks and that all loose ends have been addressed before submitting final grades. Missing assignments Verify weighted gradebook assignment groups Verify course grade scheme Submit final… continue reading

ChatGPT examples

These are examples of prompts for short writings from ChatGPT, plus the output it offered (3/8/2023). Note that, if asked, it can produce very long passages. give me one paragraph about nihilism in The Stranger The Stranger, a novel by Albert Camus, explores the philosophy of nihilism through its protagonist, Meursault. Meursault is a detached… continue reading

Canvas: import questions to quiz

Rutgers–Camden faculty may request assistance with this process, by contacting IDT at (856) 225-6090 or idt@camden.rutgers.edu. As of this writing, Canvas does not have a built-in process for importing quiz questions, despite the importance of this feature. For now, Rutgers instructors can use a Windows-only software package called Respondus 4.0 to import questions from a… continue reading

BBB: download recording

If you record your BigBlueButton (aka Canvas Conferences) meetings from your Canvas site, most students will automatically have access to view those recordings. However, only students who were originally invited to the meeting can see the recording, which can cause issues if, for instance, a student adds the class after meetings have been held. In… continue reading

New RCE (the new text editor in Canvas)

How do I add files, images, links, and Kaltura videos in Canvas’ new Rich Content Editor? The text editor in Canvas has been updated for all Spring 2021 courses. The process for adding files, images, links, and embedding Kaltura videos looks different in this new text editor. Adding files, images, and links: Look for the… continue reading

Academic integrity and papers

Both Canvas and Sakai offer the ability to automatically run student assignment submissions through TurnItIn. TurnItIn is a plagiarism detection service that can also help deter plagiarism, according to its website. If used correctly, TurnItIn can help your students learn how to avoid accidental plagiarism and can also help you detect instances of plagiarism more… continue reading