Canvas: copy course content

Often you may wish to copy course content to re-use in another Canvas site. For instance, a) if you are teaching the same course again in a subsequent semester; or b) if you have set up section 01 and want to duplicate it to section 02. Sometimes, you may wish to copy just a couple… continue reading

Canvas: customize course menu

Your course menu (aka Course Navigation) is customizable for each course you teach. For instance, you may use the Discussion tool in your hybrid class, but not in your face-to-face classes. The Attendance tool might be used in face-to-face courses, but not in an online course. You can modify the Course Navigation in each Canvas… continue reading

Canvas: add people to a Canvas site

Course sites are accessible to a certain group of people, in most cases. For a course site, one professor is given a “teacher” role and the students on the official class roster are given “student” roles. A couple of notes: Add a person to a Canvas site Please note that if the Canvas site ‘End… continue reading