Canvas: alternative to class mailing list
Important: You probably don’t need a mailing list! Most of our instructors will use the Announcements tool in Canvas to send messages to the entire class. This is a good solution most of the time: you can post a formatted message, including links and images, and a single attachment, to your Canvas site. Students will receive an emailed notification that includes the text of the announcement and a link back to the Canvas site. Caveats:
- you cannot forward email with the Announcements tool;
- students can turn off their notifications and thus may receive no email; and
- images are not included in the email notification.
Why might you need a RAMS list?
If you want to forward email messages to your students (think internship and other opportunities, newsletters, external announcements) or if you want to allow students to send messages to the whole class, a mailing list is your best bet. Unlike Sakai, Canvas does not offer a tool for creating a mailing list, so IDT recommends creating a RAMS list. This is a different system than Canvas and will be used with your regular Rutgers email account.
Note: This RAMS list solution is not available to Camden Law professors because of their mandated relationship to the REGIS grading function. Law profs should contact and request a “Mailman” address for their class.
Create your RAMS class list
- Go to
- Log in with your NetID
- Choose “Class List Creator” from the left-hand menu
- Select the semester; click Next
- Check off the course number; click Next
- Fill in the required info
- list name: no spaces, must have dash or underscore; eg: Geog101-sec2_F19
- list description: must have something; I’d just copy the name
- archive type: Admin Only
- posting privileges: Closed (anyone on the list can send to the group)
- owner NetID: yours
- owner email address: (unless you have changed your Connect primary address*)
- Click Next
- On the final screen, you’ll receive your new email address for the class list, in this format:
Send mail
- You can only send to your new class list email address from your official Rutgers Connect email address
- Log into your email system and create a new message (or forward an existing message)
- In the To: field, paste your new class address (eg:
- Reminder: if a student responds to your message, their response will go to all class members

* Only email accounts on the class list can send to this new class list email address, so you must use your official Rutgers Connect email address. If you have trouble sending to the new class list from the set up above (with, it means at some point you changed this. Go to, click on Manage Email Addresses in the left-hand menu, and find your Rutgers Connect Account Information. Look for “Emails sent from Rutgers Connect will come from: <email address>”. You’ll need to return to to change your email address. Call the Camden Help Desk at 856 225 6274 if you need assistance.