Zoom: configure meetings in Zoom portal

If you are using Zoom for teaching from your Canvas site, you can schedule all class meetings from Canvas and create Polls and Breakout Rooms on the fly, during a meeting. However, if you’d like to set up Polls ahead of time, you’ll need to make some changes from the Rutgers Zoom Portal.

To preassign breakout groups

WARNING: at this time (Sept. 2020) with Rutgers Zoom through Canvas, preassigned breakout groups will not work unless all students have activated their Rutgers Zoom accounts and are logged into Zoom with those credentials. This is not a realistic scenario.

To create polls ahead of class meeting

  1. First create your (possibly recurring) meeting from the Zoom tool in Canvas
  2. Next, log into Rutgers Zoom portal with your NetID
  3. You’ll see all your scheduled meetings here; click title of the correct one (for this feature you do NOT click the Edit button)
  4. At the top of the details page, click the Polls/Quizzes tab
screenshot showing Polls/Quizzes tab
  1. Click the +Create button to create your first poll
  2. Add the poll questions and Save.
  3. When you run the meeting in Zoom, you can launch these polls from the Polls/Quizzes button on the Zoom meeting toolbar (note that this link might be ‘hidden’ under the More… button, depending on the size of your Zoom window)

Create polls from Canvas Zoom tool, using spreadsheet model

Alternative to above method: if you are comfortable writing your polls in spreadsheet form, you can add them straight from your Canvas Zoom tool.

  1. Click on a previously-scheduled meeting
  2. Scroll to the bottom and find the Poll option (below the Delete, Edit, and Start buttons)
Poll option at bottom of Canvas Zoom meeting details page
  1. First click to Download a CSV Template; edit that spreadsheet to add your poll questions, then use the Import CSV button to pre-load your polls to this meeting
  2. You will see a note at the bottom of the details page for this meeting that you have created 1 or more polls

Import meetings from Rutgers Zoom Portal back to Canvas

If you have scheduled meetings in your Rutgers Zoom account that you’d like to associate with a specific Canvas site:

  1. In Zoom portal, save the meeting and copy its Meeting ID
  2. Now, link this existing meeting to your Canvas site:
    1. in your Canvas site, click the Zoom tool and find the 3-vertical-dot menu to the right of ‘Schedule a New Meeting’ (top right of page)
    2. select Import Meeting
    3. paste in the Meeting ID you copied above and click the Import button
  3. Now you’ll see the scheduled Zoom meeting in your Canvas site
  4. Some features may not be evident from the Zoom interface in Canvas, but polls and breakout rooms scheduled in the portal should be available for launch when you are running that meeting from Canvas