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Kaltura: download a video from Canvas My Media

Posted at 1:59 p.m. May 19, 2020, by in Canvas, Kaltura

Last Updated: Apr 14, 2023 @ 9:47 am

If you have uploaded videos to Kaltura, from Canvas, you may on occasion wish to download them. (Note: in general there are much better ways to share video with your students in Canvas! See How do I embed Kaltura media on a Canvas page (or announcement or assignments etc)? or How can I organize the videos in my course site’s Kaltura Course Gallery?) Downloading is a last resort, because video files can be very large.

Kaltura actions menuHowever, to download:

  1. from Canvas, enter My Kaltura Media from the red global navigation bar to the left on Canvas (or from the Kaltura Course Gallery in one of your Canvas sites)
  2. click on the video
  3. allow downloads:
    1. from the Actions menu below the video, select Edit
    2. click the Downloads tab and select which versions should become ‘downloadable’
    3. click Save button
  4. now download:
    1. after Save is complete (note: this can take a while!), click the Go To Media link just to the right of “Save”
    2. now you will see a new Download tab next to the Details and Attachments tabs. (if you don’t see that, then the Save step above didn’t complete)
    3. select the Download tab and then you can click the icon under Actions to download any available version of your video

download area

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