PowerPoint: record narration
PowerPoint: converting presentation to Flash video using iSpring Free
When you want to share PowerPoint presentations with your students, you have a few different options. This tip sheet outlines how to convert the presentation to a Flash movie, which you can then upload to Sakai or eCollege as a much smaller .swf file. Most students will be able to run the file automatically with Flash, which is generally installed with web browsers. The Flash movie will include controls such as “pause” and “rewind.”
Note: these directions are written specifically for PowerPoint 2007. Please ask if you need info on a different version.
Create your Flash movie
- download and install the software called “iSpring Free” from
http://www.ispringsolutions.com/free_powerpoint_to_flash_converter.html - when that is installed, launch PowerPoint and open your presentation. Ensure that the presentation is 100% completed. (Note: you can narrate the presentation and then your file will have audio.)
- Save your PowerPoint presentation normally
- Then click on the new “iSpring Free” menu in PowerPoint
- Click “Publish” (not Quick Publish)
- Type a title for your new file (best without spaces) and a location to store it
- Click Publish – This will create your Flash movie, with the name you chose plus the extension .swf
- Sample Flash movie (1MB; 2:05 minutes):
Upload movie file to Sakai Resources
Follow directions as to upload any file.
Link movie file to eCollege text/multimedia page
- open the eCollege page in Author mode
- highlight the text you want to be clickable, then COPY it (ctrl-C or other method)
- with the text still highlighted, click the “insert link” button (looks like a link of chain on the globe)
- type of link “Link to Content or Files”; click “Continue”
- Text to display: to paste in what you copied before
- File to upload: click the “Choose File” button and locate your new .swf file; click Open
- Folder for content: select “PowerPoints”
- click “Add Link”