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Accessible course materials

last updated Oct 16, 2023 @ 3:08 pm

What’s different about accessible documents?

They make your course content more useful to the broadest array of students! We all understand the importance—and legal necessity—of ensuring accessibility to our students with accommodations. Fortunately, accessible documents also bring our courses closer to the beautiful goals of universal design. Let’s make everyone’s lives easier by removing roadblocks. Some of your students have official accommodations for specific needs—and all of your students will benefit from increased flexibility in how they can access your course materials.

Consider these changes:

instructor presenting with high contrast slides in classroom

Improve visual contrast on your slides

  • Accommodations: Your student Tyrone has a form of color blindness, but is able to see your PowerPoint slides clearly due to accessible color combinations and contrast.
  • Universal design: Jackson sits in the back of the classroom. Clear color contrast on slides makes it easier for him to see small text.

student watching video on laptop

Ensure accurate captioning on videos

  • Accommodations: Priya has a hearing impairment and can watch the video clip you’ve assigned because it has closed captions.
  • Universal design: Maria tries to listen to your recorded lecture on a noisy train. Closed captions clarify your important points.

Quick improvements you can make

Specific to Camden campus

Still image of instructor's projected math equation with small inset of classroom view.

If you use our RUCams classroom recording system, you will be thrilled by recent updates that improve accessibility:

  • As of F23, all RUCams recordings include picture-in-picture, which allows students a clear view of projected resources. Windows can be switched; inset can be moved, resized, or closed.
  • Starting mid-October, 2023, all new RUCams recordings will also include automated closed captions. (Note that RUCams videos uploaded to Kaltura will continue to have the Kaltura-produced captions.)
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