What does a typical online course look like?
Content is typically broken down into weekly or daily units, depending on the semester. In most online courses conducted in Canvas, the instructor uses ‘Modules’ to organize these content units. Each unit (or we could say, ‘module’) contains clear learning goals, required reading, and lecture material. In addition to this, students are typically required to participate in an online discussion (or other interactive activity) of the week’s materials and take part in an opportunity for formative assessment (such as a check-for-understanding quiz). Having these frequent, smaller (and low-stakes) assignments in online courses is important. They help keep a student motivated and on track, as well as inform the instructor of students’ mastery of course material and progress throughout the semester.
Due dates and methods of submitting and/or completing assignments should also be clear on these unit pages. It’s easy for assignments and due dates to become lost in the shuffle of an online course, and students may become confused about where to find or turn in materials if it’s not clearly laid out for them.
Here is a sample of what a typical online course module/unit might look like in Canvas. Click on the blue icons below to learn more about each course element.
Click here to view the accessible version of this interactive content
Does this sound like something you can do?
Then, continue on to learn about the process of designing an online course.