Finding online video for teaching

Rutgers Libraries offer a great resource called Online Video at Rutgers which will give you the lowdown on how to add streaming video resources to your course site. The page gives a set of resources for finding free online video, but also directions on how to request feature films through Swank Digital Campus. Feature films leased from Swank for one professor are available for all, so for fall 2014 you can stream films varying from Disney’s Pocahantas to the classic Casablanca to Wolfgang Petersen’s Troy, with Orlando Bloom as Paris (who else?) in a 2004 version of Homer’s Iliad. Because of copyright restrictions, most of these videos require that you post them in an environment restricted to enrolled students (such as Sakai, eCollege, or Blackboard). Contact Instructional Design & Technology ( or (856) 225-6090) for help with how to present these resources in your course site.