2015 eLearning Conference: April 28, 2015

eLearning Conference 2015

Tony Picciano
Keynote speaker Dr. Tony Picciano

2015 Rutgers University–Camden Faculty eLearning Conference

Download printable agenda (PDF)

Download printable program with presentation descriptions (PDF)

Session recordings will be available shortly.

Please e-mail christie.decarolis@rutgers.edu if you need to be added to the Sakai site! Conference materials are available there.

Our second annual Rutgers University–Camden Faculty eLearning Conference is scheduled for Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at the Campus Center. This year will be bigger and better, with mulitple tracks and expanded themes, including not only online and hybrid teaching, but also new technologies in the classroom and teaching live to distance students. This conference will run from 8:30am to 3pm, with lunch and refreshments served. Registration is required, but is free for all Rutgers University–Camden faculty, full or part time. Can’t make it for the whole day? Feel free to come whenever your schedule allows. 

This year’s advisory council includes: Cindy Ayres, Nursing; Stuart Charmé, FAS Philosophy & Religion; Bill Fitzgerald, TMAC and FAS English; Dan Hart, FAS Psychology; Carol Kaufman-Scarborough, SBC Marketing; and Kwangwon Lee, FAS Biology.

Conference agenda

Tuesday, April 28, 2015, Campus Center MPR

Download printable agenda (PDF)Download printable program with presentation descriptions (PDF)

Time Online/hybrid track
Classroom technology track
South BC
08:00-09:00 Registration/interactive Padlet session
09:00-09:10 Welcome from Rayman Solomon
09:15-09:35 Tim Knievel (Political Science)
Flipping the classroom
Janice Beitz (Nursing)
Engaging students with classroom technology
09:40-10:00 Sarah Allred (Psychology)
Empowering students with iPads for team-based learning
Meredith Bak (Childhood Studies)
New ways to think about writing with Twine
10:05-10:25 James Genone (Philosophy)
Teaching a hybrid class
Georgia Arbuckle (Chemistry)
Encouraging the active classroom
10:30-10:50 Lisa Zeidner (English)
Constructing meaning in online discussion
Sunil Shende (Computer Science)
Enhancing classroom presentation with iPad apps
10:55-11:15 Interactive session: Engage your classroom students with free student polling apps Steve Pyser (Business)
Learning by doing: the “pracademics” model of teaching Millennials
11:20-11:40 Carol Kaufman-Scarborough (Marketing)
Things I wish I’d thought of when developing my first online class
Kim Mutcherson (Law)
Teaching across the campus divide
11:45-12:05 Panel: Stuart Charmé and MALS grad students (Religion)
Faculty & student perspectives on online learning
Próspero Garcia (Spanish)
Enhancing learning objectives and critical thinking through ePortfolios and social media
12:10-01:25 Lunch/Keynote

Dr. Tony Picciano, The online learning landscape: implications for teaching & learning

01:25-02:05 Panel: Jim Brown, Robert Emmons, Michael Russo (Digital Studies)
Cultivating nonlinear expression in Digital StudiesTwine interactive session (led by Digital Studies Center)
02:10-02:30 Panel: Keith Green (English), Melissa Yates (Philosophy), Ben Panter (Fine Arts)
Changing modalities: from the classroom to online
Patricia Ojea (Political Science)
Making group projects meaningful: gamifying student success
02:35-02:55 Dana Pilla (Spanish)
Hearing the student voice: engagement and interactivity in an online course
Charlene Mires (History)
Building digital bridges between research and teaching