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Designing digital assessments

Are you thinking about incorporating digital assessments into your courses? Some examples might include having students create infographics, write blog posts, or create videos or podcasts. IDT can help you design these assessments and learn the technology your students will need.


What do I need to think about before creating or redesigning my assignment to include digital technologies?

It’s tempting to dive right in, but there are some things you should consider:

  1. What are your assignment objectives?
  2. How will you inform students of your expectations?
  3. How will you scaffold the process for students?
  4. How will you encourage your students to reflect on the process?

Read more about these questions to consider.

Storytelling with graphics and blogs

Potential tools
  • Piktochart allows you to create infographics and posters. This might be a useful tool if your students don’t have a lot of narrative text to share, but need to disseminate information that is centered around data.
  • Adobe Spark allows you to create a static webpage. If you want the students’ outcomes to be more interactive or include more narrative text, this may be an option for you. You can include graphics, embedded images, and links.
  • Blogging is a great option if you want students to contribute their thoughts or reflections over the course of a semester. At Rutgers, you can set up a class blog using the Rutgers WordPress instance.
Some examples and reflections from instructors

Storytelling with video

Potential tools
  • Adobe Spark also allows users to easily create engaging, professional quality video presentations.  This tool is best used to create brief videos with the goal of inspiring or introducing the viewer to a topic or idea.
  • When more text and information is needed, Emaze will allow you to create a more traditional presentation while still maintaining visual interest and seamless transitions called for in a video format.  Coupled with a screen recorder, this is an excellent tool to consider.
Some examples and reflections from instructors
Icons made by Madebyoliver from