Digital Teaching Fellowship

Rutgers–Camden Digital Teaching Fellows

4/2/2020 UPDATE – Due to the university-wide cancellation of events through the end of May 2020, we will unfortunately be cancelling this year’s Digital Teaching Fellowship program.  Thank you to those faculty who have already applied and expressed interest in the program.  We look forward to conducting this Fellowship again in 2021.  

2020 program: For online instruction only

See a list of past Fellows here (.pdf)

New this year, the 2020 Digital Teaching Fellowship program will address the challenges and opportunities that arise from developing and teaching a fully-online course.

Since the first Digital Teaching Fellowships were awarded in 2014, the program has energized several cohorts of full-time faculty members to re-design courses with a focus on digital tools and to implement effective pedagogical practices. Academic department chairs agree that the program not only improves instruction by the Fellows, but also spreads enthusiasm for teaching techniques among colleagues. Camden deans Nickitas, Kim and Marchitello, and Rutgers Law co-deans Mutcherson and Lopez, have funded the program anew for 2020.

Full-time Camden and Rutgers Law faculty, if you are interested in joining this distinguished fellowship, please complete the online application below no later than April 13, 2020. No baseline digital experience is required, but you must designate at least one online class you will be teaching in Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 that you will design or re-design over this summer. The group is limited to 25 participants.

For the first time ever, previous Fellows are eligible to apply to participate in this re-vamped program.

  • Fellows must commit to:
    • two full-day workshops on the Camden campus on Wednesday, May 27th and Thursday, May 28th;
    • the completed design of the proposed online course; and
    • sharing reflections and examples from your online course in one of two faculty roundtable discussions, to be scheduled in November 2020 and February 2021. Attendance can be in person or virtual.
  • Fellows will receive:
    • a stipend of $500 upon May workshops completion; and
    • a second stipend of $500 after roundtable discussion

If you have questions about the program, consult a past Fellow (.pdf) or an instructional designer at IDT.


The application period for the 2020 Fellowship is now open. Please contact with any questions about the program or application process.

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