Lecture options for online courses: text-based options

Text-based lecture options for online courses Overview Developing lectures for online courses is very different from developing lectures for face-to-face courses.There are a variety of options for different types of lectures and can take the form of video or narrative text. Overall, lectures should be split into short chunks and should be as interactive as… continue reading

Lecture options for online courses: narrated options

Narrated lecture options for online courses Overview Developing lectures for online courses is very different from developing lectures for face-to-face courses.There are a variety of options for different types of lectures and can take the form of video or narrative text. Overall, lectures should be split into short chunks and should be as interactive as… continue reading

Designing online discussions

Designing online discussions Structure If possible, your online discussions should take place during the same time periods each week (for example, weekly discussions could begin Monday mornings and end each following Sunday night). To encourage a back-and-forth discussion, students should be given two due dates. They should be required to post their original response to the discussion question… continue reading

Overview: Designing online courses

Designing online courses How long does it take? Ideally, you should give yourself at least one full semester to design and develop your online course. It’s not something that can be done in a matter of weeks. Note that your school may offer faculty compensation for designing new online courses, generally with contractual stipulations about material ownership…. continue reading

What does a typical online course look like?

Content is typically broken down into weekly or daily units, depending on the semester. In most online courses conducted in Canvas, the instructor uses ‘Modules’ to organize these content units. Each unit (or we could say, ‘module’) contains clear learning goals, required reading, and lecture material. In addition to this, students are typically required to… continue reading